When we build a new belief in ourselves, others, the Masters and the Divine Plan it is precious... and fragile. It's not easy to fully commit to joy-filled visions about potential and the Universe's supportive participation in our evolution. We need to nurture our beliefs and protect them from the poison of doubt, especially during these times of great testing. If we falter from our convictions at the onset of the journey into greatness, we're robbed of the amazing wealth inherent in our being just waiting to be experienced.
However, we're very sensitive to the past and its lies about limitations, unworthiness, isolation and failure. The smallest contamination of doubt can throw us off the path we have so dearly fought to explore. Many of us haven't yet enjoyed the self-proving on a soul level that brings rock-hard conviction about our place in the Universe and its inevitable rewards. We're teeter-tottering on the edge, praying that somehow our soul's journey during this harrowing initiation on planet earth will be blessed with solidity, support, fulfillment and advancement. Like delicate rose petals in the wind, we're vulnerable to the slaying effect of disbelief. We crumble in a heap of impossibility, feeling like fools for daring to believe that more is possible--and that we are more.
We must fight very hard to ward off the despair of doubt in order to give ourselves a chance to pierce the veils of illusions and see the truth once and for all. What a sensitive razor's edge this is as we struggle to suspend uncertainty while traversing the Chasm of Change. Like a mother bear fiercely protecting her cubs, we must vigilantly safeguard ourselves from the subversive doubt that fills the head with malefic suspicion that kills the spirit and the right to soar.
Self -doubt feeds on the mistrust of our vision, understanding and progress. When we disbelieve our knowing, we project doubt--unwilling to trust others. Then we start to doubt the Divine Plan-- "There is no such thing." We discredit the Masters--"They're not really out there helping us." which ironically makes it impossible for them to bolster and champion us with their devotion. Finally, we doubt Source Itself--"There is no Greater Being who loves us." Doubt relentlessly grows like a cancer that eats away determination, undermines efforts, weakens persistence, shrinks reality and prevents world evolution because we can't receive help from the Masters or assist others.
Doubt returns us to the beginning when we unbelieve our transformation. In spite of improvements, we doubt our headway which forces us to start all over again. This prevents us from gaining the momentum needed to take a leap of faith--to go the distance in our creativity, accomplishments, relationships, fulfillment of karma and self-realization.
Whenever I doubt myself, I'm sending a message to the Universe that my hopes and dreams won't be fulfilled. I can only imagine how many opportunities have been blocked by this attitude. Disfaith postpones happiness. The doubt that good things can really happen energizes that reality. Doubt says NO to greater possibilities. Why not conclude with, "I don't know" or "maybe" than "I doubt it." Sustaining doubt takes tremendous energy because it counters the natural possibility of our being. Doubtfulness, stifling our approach to life by dimming vibrancy, steals the life force we need to bring Technicolor to our experience.
Doubt interrupts action. If I succumb to hesitation when readying to make a leap of faith, I'm stopped dead in my tracks as the heavy undertow of doubt blankets my initiative. When riddled with doubt, I'm drowning in fear desperately trying to protect myself from falling on my face. The tyranny of dubiosity forestalls flight, either preventing me from leaving the edge at all or stopping me midstream as it pulls the plug on the fuel needed to land safely on the new horizon. I'm left to crash and burn simply because I let doubt get the better of me.
Doubt is nothing but lies developed to imprison us in stagnancy that say we're not on the path. It prevents us from even climbing the mountain, insisting that we aren't up to the challenges of the ascent. Doubt interrupts the focus needed to sustain intention. Affirmations are useless if the underpinnings of our requests are riddled with reserve. Dubiosity prevents us from being fully committed.
Doubt inhibits the imagination and veils the 3rd eye. If we don't allow ourselves to believe in visions, our inner vantage point dims with a film, like a dirty windshield, that obscures the clarity needed to confidently step forward into the mystery. Without the vibrancy of the "high beams" of crystalline inner vision, doubt wins the battle against evolution as it obscures the Divine Map that guides us out of the narrow box of limitation. The longer we're imprisoned in the box, the more doubt prevails.
Doubt doesn't make us stronger because we have to push through its walls in order to validate our truth. Rather, fostering the notion that nothing is really possible, dubiosity weakens us through energy drain and discouragement. It promotes paranoia, debilitates trust and creates a bleak world that reeks of depression because it's the ultimate generator of dead-end experiences. The enemy of surprise, grace, opportunity and mystery, doubt is heavy, boring, pessimistic--a flimsy protection against the open innocence to which we long to return.
We must employ spiritual will to hold steady without capitulating to the relentless sirens of doubt that pierce inner peace. Amazingly, if we could just use the discipline to withdraw energy from doubt, stopping it like a bad habit, our evolution would progress ten fold without any additional effort. Doubt is that powerful.
What would it be like to live without a doubt about our Divine Destiny, rights, potential, place in the Universe, intelligence, creativity, worthiness and lovability? How light, vital and confident we'd feel with total energy available to buttress our convictions and sail forward unencumbered by the wall of doubt that poisons our deepest knowing. We'd receive much more energy from the Higher Planes, heal quicker, enjoy greater success and experience wealth on all levels as we assumed our rightful place as spiritual beings who no longer doubt their true essence.
The Tibetan sweeps away cobwebs of doubt with a golden broom and teaches:
Healthy questioning is a most useful tool to keep the feet on the ground while practicing conviction. Before leaps of faith, use scrutiny to uncover shadow pieces. However, doubt, injurious to the energy body, is the opposite of placing trust in the mystery.
Students often doubt their tremendous progress. When unfolding powerful visions from the 3rd eye reveal that the veils are burning away, self, initially impressed and excited, steps back from this betterment. Students foster layers of doubt about their advancement as a form of protection from ego inflation, grandiosity, and arrogance.
All attachment to doubt must be released in order to be fully present. Doubt generates inefficiency and exhaustion by elongating the enlightenment process. It slows down one's integration into the new paradigm. Resistance produces barricades of doubt. Doubt, a bridge to the past, says: "I've never experienced this level, seen these visions, expanded in wisdom, known real love or inner peace. Therefore this new consciousness can't be true." Humankind is astounded and frightened when touching its potential. It drops this new perspective like a hot potato by taking refuge in doubt, shutting the door with: "This can't be possible."
Students, distrusting the ease factor that accompanies the new consciousness, doubt the facility of their opening and the spontaneous revelations effortlessly pouring forth. Humankind believes that the path is an endlessly arduous journey up a steep mountain filled with avalanches--nothing untroublesome about liberation! Blankets of doubt are generated that extinguish this gift of ease (the lubricant of the birthing process) and reinforce the familiar rough terrain known for lifetimes.
Please acclimate to the speed of self's unfoldment. Embrace the ease factor. It's essential for this birth process. Otherwise, labor goes on and on as self doubts the progress and returns to the beginning of the contractions. Doubt negates the rewards of hard work as well as all the good things that might unfold which reinforces the false belief that self is not entitled to the realm of magnitude.
When eagerly beginning to run a race, hoping for record speed, the last thing self wants is to be blocked by someone who says that he/she isn't up to the challenge. This causes self to pause, disoriented, and take a moment to realign and return to the endeavor. If people repeatedly interrupt the race to discredit self's potential, then he/she loses center, succumbing to these obstacles of doubt that become lodged in the unconscious. Eventually doubt creates reality and self is out of the race, destroyed by chronic uncertainty.
Release doubt unconditionally! No need to analyze--It's all based on illusion. Simply let it go by remembering that doubt poisons the soul and spirit. When all doubt, suspicion, uneasiness and disfaith are renounced, self is free to fly up the mountain-- filled with questions, scrutiny, observations and wondering--and light as a feather on the Magic Carpet of Certitude that carries the soul's wisdom into fruition.
About the Author
Founder of the School of the Golden Discs, Moriah has been a channel for Djwhal Khul since 1986. As a soul mentor, Moriah includes astrology, dream analysis and past life integration in the intuitive work as a mid-wife to the soul alignment process. Moriah has a private practice in Shelburne Falls, MA and specializes in phone sessions. Click here to visit her site!
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